Sunday, October 2, 2016

Easy Web TV Live Stream - Free Source

It is compatible with Visual Studio 2012/2015. Free Web TV gives you amazing example on how to generate your live stream over desktop application. For sure you can generate it with your web application too by using IPTVs that you can find on Internet. Free Desktop TV is a free VB.Net source code. It is simple, easy understanding but it works very wonderful.

  1. Shockwave Flash enabled
  2. VLC Plugin (Recommended)
License: All TVs streams in this public example are based in Cambodia. It would be under copyright protection but you can use it for only studying purpose.

Activate:You may need activation passcode to run full example of Free Desktop TV. Click this link for free activation code:

Notice: This source code is working full functionally in Visual Studio 2012. This application runs only if Visual Studio 2012 or 2015 is installed.

Download Source:

Sunday, September 18, 2016

How to: Easy Web App deployment with Microsoft Azure from Visual Studio 2015

It is not free, it is not big but most advantage, it does not hard to learn because it is a new thing. And this is Microsoft Azure, a cloud development environment from Microsoft. There are a lots of tools that you can choose to develop your project but here I want to show you how to deploy ASP.Net Web App to Azure App Service. It is not a real example but the way to do it yourself.

Get Started
  1. Go to to get an account
  2. Sign up with using Free Trial if you need to take a look first, then MS Azure will create a Free Trial Plan with $200 credit.
  3. After success, you look into your account then you seem to see your Dashboard and there you can setup your project with a few click. 
How to deploy Web App to Azure App Service
  1. After you created a Web App Service in Azure, you need to go back to your Visual Studio 2015
  2. Create Web Application (ASP.Net). See how here: 

Notice: This is just the way on how to create your project on MS Azure. It is not real example because I am so poor. I don't have money to buy any of MS Azure's Plan.

Please go to video in action:

Friday, September 16, 2016

Remember user login with VB Net in Visual Studio - Video Tutorial

To make easy to your client activities, User login session is very important to save time and fast accessing for user. This is a tiny source code with video tutorial on how to set your user session in your VB.Net project.

  1. Create a simple form
  2. Setup the setting variables 
    • rememberMe As boolean
    • username As String
    • password As String
  3. A login button
  4. A link label to reset session 

Download the free source here:
Notice: This project is working fine with Visual Studio 2012/2015

Watch Tutorial here:

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

VB Solution: Easy step to create a Digital Clock in Visual Studio 2012/2015

It is an easy way for newbie in Visual Studio and VB.Net to create a simple Digital Clock. You can find source code and full video example at the link below or you can follow easy steps:
  1.  Create a form and add 
    • Label for time, Label for date
    • Timer tool
  2. Import
    • Imports System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.VisualStyleElement.TaskbarClock 
Example Full Source Code:
Imports System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.VisualStyleElement.TaskbarClock
Public Class digitalclock

    Private Sub digitalclock_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        lbTime.Text = TimeOfDay
        lbDate.Text = Date.Today.ToString("dd MMM, yyyy")
    End Sub

    Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
        lbTime.Text = TimeOfDay
    End Sub
End Class

Download source code for free: Digital Clock 
Note: This script is working fine with Visual Studio 2012 and above.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Close all child forms in Parent in Visual Studio 2012 - 2015

In purpose of form controlling, close all child form is to manage current active form to topmost. This action will work when a lot of forms are already opened. This script is small but can be work as magic to help out your biggest project.

Code Example:
 Private Sub CloseAll()
        For Each aform As Form In Me.MdiChildren
    End Sub

Download Source for free: Close All Active Form
Notice: This script is working find in Visual Studio 2012 or above

VB Beginner: How to open child form in parent form and activate if it already existed

This is how to control your form in Visual Studio. Actually, most of beginner programmers are very headache with working with forms and its interaction. Here is the great source code and tutorial on how to control forms.


 Private Sub btnChild1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnChild1.Click
        Dim myForm As New frmChild1
            If Application.OpenForms.OfType(Of frmChild1).Any Then
                myForm.MdiParent = Me
                myForm.TopMost = True
                'myForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)
        End Try
    End Sub

Download source code for free: Children Form Control
Notice: This script is working find with Visual Studio 2012/2015 and later

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Create Barcode Generator with Visual Studio 2015

Barcode is used for recognizing an item because it can be reading from Barcode Scanner or Barcode Reader. This is a tiny script that can help you out how to create a barcode label to stick in your items. In this VB.Net script, you are not to worry about how to write the code because it is containing the Barcode Generator script as a plugin in packed.

Download for free: Barcode Generator Script
Notice: This script is working with Visual Studio 2012/2015 and later.